What Size Motorcycle Helmet do I need?

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Nothing is worse than investing a lot of money to fit in a bike helmet but ending up with a wrong fit! So, before you do a mistake and ask “what size motorcycle helmet do I need,” we are going to tell you how you can do it!

Here, we have come up with the sizing parameter for our bike helmet first, and then, we have discussed the details about the adult, youth, and toddler bike helmet too!

Take a look at the helmet size and find the one that will match your head and look good too! After all, fashion is a necessity along with safety!

What Size Motorcycle Helmet

Basic Sizing Parameters of Bike Helmet

In short, here, we will first discuss what size motorcycle helmet you need according to the sizing parameters. And after this, we will talk about the comment motorcycle helmet sizes/

First of all, motorcycle helmets come in different sizes. Most of us do not know it but bike lovers do know. The helmet doesn’t only keep you safe but also fashionable. And so, the right fit is always necessary. As we are discussing the size, you should know that the size starts with the extra small one. This is for the smallest heads, especially for the kids. The size of this extra small-sized helmet is below 20 inches.

The next in the line comes the small size which is a bit larger than the extra small one. It is about 20 inches to 21.75 inches. It is also designed for kids. And, then the medium size motorcycle helmet! The size of this one starts from 21.75 inches. All the helmets that are more or less below 23.25 inches from 21.75 inches are counted in this section. 

This is the moderate or the regular bike helmet that we wear. Now, if your head is a little large and you want something comfortable, you can go for the large helmet size. This one starts at 23.25 inches and from this to 24.75 inches, all the helmets are large!

But if you think that the large is still too tight for you, which rarely happens, you can always go to extra-large size. The extra-large size starts at 24.75 inches and above the number, all the bike helmets are of an extra-large size. In some cases, we have seen two brothers riding the same bike. In some other situations, you might not find the perfect fit for your head in search of the helmet. No matter what the case is, you always have another option.

This is a universal fit helmet for bike lovers. This almost fits everybody because it has an adjustable fit system added to it. If you think none of the above-mentioned motorcycle helmets will satisfy you, go to the market and get your hands on the one-size-fits-all helmet. You will anyway get fit in that. No matter all the other helmets are too tight or too loose, this one will fit just right! That’s something we’ve always imagined!

How to Choose The Right Size Motorcycle Helmet

Adult vs. Youth Helmet Chart

So, we have discussed the basic parameter motorcycle helmet shell size comparison. But did you ever know that the market has different helmet sizes for adults, kids, and youth? Here, we will discuss the three of them in detail with the motorcycle helmet sizing chart you need! Have a look!

Adult Helmet Size Chart

If you are an adult, congrats, it is easier for you to get a motorcycle helmet that fits right! The helmet size starts with XS size and then it widens up to 3XL size. So, in between the sizes, there are in total seven helmet sizes available. The XS size has a head measurement of 53 cm to 54 cm. On the other hand, if you go through the S size, the measurement of the head will start from 55 cm and will end with 56 cm. So as you are seeing, the measurement will increase by one inch in these M, L, XL, 2XL, and 3XL sizes.

In the case of the M or medium size, the measurement of the head will be 57 cm to 58 cm. If you think, as an adult, you are feeling that the medium size is very tight; you can switch to the large or the L one. This one starts from 59 cm and ends with 60 cm. On the contrary, if you have a moderately large head, you can always go for the XM size; it starts from 61 inches and reaches about 62 inches. The Large and Extra Large almost fit everybody or every adult.

Adult Helmet Size Chart

But if you are still feeling uncomfortable and you want something larger, you always have an option to go for the 2XL or double extra-large size. This measurement of this one is from 63 inches to 64 inches. And for the people that cannot go for the 2XL one, they can search their match in 3XL or triple extra-large. This one starts with 65 inches and goes right to 66 inches. And not to forget, if any of these don’t fit on you, don’t get disheartened! Get your hands on a helmet that is universal or has an adjustable fit. You can fit it according to the size of your head and enjoy comfortable rides!

Youth and Kids Helmet Size Chart

Adult’s helmet size is not like the youth. So, it is necessary to deal with the youth-size motorcycle helmet first. Now, you might ask if we have forgotten the kid’s or baby size motorcycle helmet. No, we didn’t forget it. Here, we will discuss both of the size details with the right measurement so that it’s easy for you to get the right helmet for riding days!

Youth and Kids Helmet Size Chart

First of all, let’s discuss the youth-size motorcycle helmet. Here, the Youth S or small size comes in. This site is designed for kids that have a measurement of 49 cm to 50 cm. Just like before, the changes here will also increase by one cm in every stage. In the Youth M or medium size, the measurement will be 51 cm to 52 cm and if you are in this size, you can go for it!

One of the most popular youth-sized helmets available in the market is the Large or L size. The measurement here starts from 53 cm and it ends at 54 cm! This measurement will be perfect for both toddlers and youth! All you need to do is a little research and then pick up any of these to give a ride!

FAQs on Motorcycle Helmet Sizing

How do you know the right helmet size?

To learn about the right helmet size, you have to first look at your head or take a picture. Mirror will also work for you. In this case, first, decide the head shape. The intermediate oval, round oval, and long oval are the three head shapes.

Once you have selected the head shape carefully, you have to go for your head’s circumference. Get a measuring tape and wrap it around your head just right above the eyebrows. From the back to the front, you have to measure the area. This is what your helmet size is. Now, go to the market and get yourself one new helmet size!

Should my motorcycle helmet fit tight?

The fit of the motorcycle helmet should be snug. Not too tight fit is good for the biker and all; to lose a helmet can also be the reason for the accident. So, if you tell us that you are finding the motorcycle helmet too tight, we probably will tell you to get a new one. Or you always have the option of expanding the helmet to make it the right fit!

When your head is too heavy to bear with the helmet, it is tight. Also, if you take a ride for 15-20 minutes in the helmet and you see you are having a bad headache, the helmet is tight! And once again, no your motorcycle helmet should not fit tight instead; it should be comfortable, snugly fitted, and safe!

Can we expand the motorcycle helmet?

Yes, you can always expand or increase the size of the helmet by using some easy method. For making it a little loose, first of all, you have to get a soccer ball and place it inside the helmet. Make sure that the ball is deflated. After putting the ball inside the motorcycle helmet, you have to start inflating the ball. Slowly, it will push the inner parts of the helmet and make it larger. After the ball is tight and ready, you have to leave the helmet like this for about 24 hrs. In these 24 hours, the ball will pressurize the helmet from the inside.

And eventually, in the morning, you will see that your helmet is loose and perfect! The only drawback of the method is you might need to do it more often if you want to keep the helmet not too tight.

Wrap Up

So, you are already experienced in your question -“what size motorcycle helmet do I need?” Now you know that how important it is to find the right fit for a helmet. If it doesn’t fit correctly, you might encounter some unwanted accident!

Check out the list of adults, kids, and youth bike helmets and pick up one for you, your kid, and your friend! And then what! Then, go for a ride in the mountains or the grass!  

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Helmetslab is a website that focuses on providing in-depth reviews and information about different types of helmets, including motorcycle helmets and others helmets. I am writing a post with proper research on the info that helps helmet users.

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