How to Make a Tight Motorcycle Helmet fit Better

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No, the motorcycle helmets are not always the right size! Even if you are careful about the helmet’s shape and size, you can always mess up with it! And what happens to most people is they come out with a tight helmet! But can you make it work? Do you know how to make a tight motorcycle helmet fit better?

If you mistakenly have bought a wrong-sized helmet that is tight on your head, you can always stretch it out! Today, we will look at the methods and know-how to do it!

Have a look so that you can save a lot of money!

How to Make a Tight Motorcycle Helmet fit Better

The Proper Motorcycle Helmet Fit

Before you plan to learn how to make a tight motorcycle helmet fit better, you must know if your helmet’s fit is right or not. First, you should check out whether the fit is too tight or you are just imagining it. So, should the helmet be tight?

Absolute not! Helmets shouldn’t be tight instead, they should be a snug fit. You will see that they make you uncomfortable when dealing with tight helmets. That’s not how you should feel with a right-sized helmet!

So, in short, if you feel uncomfortable while wearing it and if it holds your head too snugly, you must understand it is tight. If you are comfortable wearing snug-fit outfits, you might ignore this discomfort.

In that case, there is another way to understand it. Wear your helmet and ride the bike for about 15 minutes. After this period, if you have a bad headache, you should get your points straight- YOUR HELMET IS TIGHT! So, the best way to learn if the helmet is too tight is to wear it for 15-30 minutes and understand it.

Helmet Stretching: Turning Tight Helmet into Better Fit

Turning Tight Helmet into Better Fit

Most people ask if stretching a helmet and making it fit better is possible. For your information, yes, you can make the helmet fit better. But how to make a tight motorcycle helmet fit better on your head? Here are ways to stretch this object and make you comfortable on the ride!

Learn about the Construction

So, the first thing you must learn about this object is its construction. The basic manufacturing material for these products is fibreglass or Kevlar. In some cases, polycarbonate is also used. The layers of these objects are thin when it comes to manufacturing them. It is the outer shell. There is another part of the helmet, too.

If you check, there are two layers of materials. Another material here is usually polystyrene or, in some cases, polypropylene. These helmets have a foam liner on any of these objects. Clearing it out, the outer layer and the inner layer are thin. As the outer part is thin, it is stretchable. On the contrary, if you want, you can re-shape the foam, too, to turn the helmet into a better fit. It can be made a little large or a little small!

The Process of Stretching

Getting a new helmet is always exciting. But finding the right one for your head is always difficult. So, before you decide to get a new helmet, you must learn about the shapes of your helmet. And then, you measure the size of your head so that you can find the perfect fit.

As we always say, a helmet is a safety factor and a product to add some fashion to your life. If you are interested in a full-face helmet, do you know how tight a full-face helmet should be? For keeping the balance between safety and comfort, there is always a perfect fit.

Yes, it is always a better option to go for the helmet that is the perfect fit rather than stretching it. If you can, you can still change the helmet, do it. But if you have no other option than to deal with a too tight helmet, we have ways to stretch it off.

  1. Now, you are ready to get some expendables inside the helmet. Yes, we are going to expand it a bit by using expandable. In this case, we will be using a soccer ball. First, you have to get and deflate the soccer ball.
  • Get it inside the helmet; you only need to inflate it back to normal. Make sure that the air inside it is not too much. It should be a tight fit, pushing the inner portion of your helmet.
  • It is time for you to wait now! Take your time and wait for it to be expandable to work. In this situation, you must wait more or less the whole night. It is better if you can wait for 24 hours. But if it is impossible, at least wait for the whole night. For a better experience, you can try dampening your helmet’s paddings with water sprays. This will help you expand it more.
  • After waiting for the period, in the morning, you have to get your hands on the soccer ball and try to deflate it while it is inside the helmet. Once you deflate it, it gets easy to get it out. All you need right now is to take the deflated soccer ball out and check the helmet. You must try the helmet on to learn if the expandable method worked on your product or not. If you think it works, you might need to repeat it if you want it to fit appropriately.

5 Quick & Cheap Motorcycle Helmet Hacks

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Wrap Up

So, you have successfully made the helmet a little loose! The step-by-step process of making a tight motorcycle helmet fit better can help you on your bad days! If you have bought the wrong-sized helmet for your bike, don’t worry; you can always fix it!

Go through the process and let us know if these worked for you. Also, if you have other procedures that fit right in, you can discuss that, too!

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Helmetslab is a website that focuses on providing in-depth reviews and information about different types of helmets, including motorcycle helmets and others helmets. I am writing a post with proper research on the info that helps helmet users.

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